Mi Haipeng
Dr. Haipeng Mi is a Professor at Department of Information Art and Design, Tsinghua University. He is also a visiting researcher in the Future Lab of Tsinghua University.
His research interests ranges from user interface design, human-robot interaction to interactive art. He has over 40 peer-reviewed publications in the field of HCI, including ACM CHI, UIST, HRI and Ubicomp. He is an excutive committee member of ICACHI (International Chinese Association for Computer Human Interaction). He serves as a committee member of HAI (Human-Agent Interaction), and committee member of Chinese CHI. He has been selected for the National Youth Talent Support Program of China in 2017.
Haipeng has received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Information Systems in 2011 from the University of Tokyo. He has also received a B.Sc. in Physics and an M.Eng. in Electronics Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2005 and 2008 respectively. Before joining Tsinghua, he was an Assistant Professor at Initiative of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo.